Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My boy Christopher Hitchens gets it right again

Good article by Christopher Hitchens over at Slate talking about the movie detailing a series of debates he had with a Christian minister. I highly recommend his column Fighting Words; pithy and usually spot on. We need to hear unpleasant truths about ourselves(well, you) and others. I believe the movie's title is Conversations, and it should be worth a look.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Back from Ungawa

A good weekend at Ungawa. It's all guys, but don't worry, it's not some Iron John shit where we're running through the woods screaming. It's just a good excuse to hang out, get drunk, eat tremendous amounts of meat, and talk in a low pressure atmosphere in an LCRA park in the beeyuutiful Texas hill country. Good people, good fun. And I learned a good nasty term(some UT guy around the campfire said it, all in good fun) for my friends from Texas Tech: Sand Aggies.