Monday, May 9, 2011

Okay, I'm an admin tech(secretary to English speakers) for the social work/admissions dept. at ASH- the Austin State Hospital. At least I work at a concern that has its own acronym.

Off to work

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What has gone before

Coming to a nice grim crossroads in life. Underemployed for 20 years, working at the insane asylum here in scenic Austin TX. I'm at least working indoors w/ a job that has benefits of a sort. The pay is not great and Austin is becoming San Francisco-ized; i.e., lots of rich liberals driving property values up and thus my rent, eating into a lot of my pay. If all goes according to plan I can retire from the state at age 59. I'm(groan) 47 now, within batting range of half a century. I'll get a small percentage then of what I would be making when I retire; just enough to buy dog food, as I tell people. If I save enough money, maybe I can buy a vehicle and do a tour of the nation's parks in my old age. Other than that, I'm fresh out of ideas.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

what has gone before

back on the internet at home. Still working at the Texas State Asylum(sigh) better job, better boss now clerk for social work/admissions. my boss is the head social worker. other administration still bad officially libertarian now- working there shows me government doesn't work. hopefully going camping next week at Bastrop State Park. Always good to get the hell out of dodge. Hopefully will be semi-revitalizing experience. As always, tax churches, not manufacturing.