Monday, May 9, 2011

Okay, I'm an admin tech(secretary to English speakers) for the social work/admissions dept. at ASH- the Austin State Hospital. At least I work at a concern that has its own acronym.

Off to work

Sunday, May 8, 2011

What has gone before

Coming to a nice grim crossroads in life. Underemployed for 20 years, working at the insane asylum here in scenic Austin TX. I'm at least working indoors w/ a job that has benefits of a sort. The pay is not great and Austin is becoming San Francisco-ized; i.e., lots of rich liberals driving property values up and thus my rent, eating into a lot of my pay. If all goes according to plan I can retire from the state at age 59. I'm(groan) 47 now, within batting range of half a century. I'll get a small percentage then of what I would be making when I retire; just enough to buy dog food, as I tell people. If I save enough money, maybe I can buy a vehicle and do a tour of the nation's parks in my old age. Other than that, I'm fresh out of ideas.