Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bad Karma at the Coast

Did kind of a bad thing this past weekend. I was fishing in Port Aransas(the white trash Riviera, for those outside Texas) when I caught a hardhead catfish(that's a throwback fish, for those of you who haven't sailed the Spanish Main. Couldn't throw him back because the hook was too far embedded in his mouth- he was already a dead man. I decided to cut him up and feed him to the pelicans as I'll eat 'em but I don't want them to die in vain. My friend JB correctly told me to be careful not to let anything eat the part w/ the hook. I began cutting at the back. I threw a piece to the pelican who was standing about two feet away from me. Fortunately, the cat died quickly, I think. The second piece missed the pelican's beak, and he was too good to stoop and pick it up, so I had to pick it up as I can't just leave dead fish on the pier. While I bent down, another pelican swooped and picked up the head, hook still in it. Now, hopefully he gave up on eating it 'cause it was large and it was really hard(hence the name) or because it was mostly bone and pelicans have to kind of flip large fish into their gullets and often they miss and the fish goes back to the water. Otherwise, I sincerely the process by which they pass fish bones enables him to get the hook through. I sincerely hope he and Neptune forgive me. I'm but a clumsy savanna monkey.

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